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Most of us want to be the best moms that we can be. But let’s face it, motherhood isn’t easy!
Feeling capable is something that I think is necessary in order to put forth our best efforts as a mom.
Having confidence in yourself is important!
What is confidence?
Here’s one definition of confidence from Dictionary.com: Belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance.
And here’s another: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
Believing that we have a handle on this whole motherhood thing is going to allow us to be better mothers.
For example, a new mom feeling inadequate is going to make more mistakes than a seasoned, more experienced mother.
Now don’t get me wrong, we all make mistakes as moms!
Being confident doesn’t mean never making mistakes.
It’s not about being perfect.
After all, the only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
So what can you do to be more sure of yourself as a mama?
How to be a More Confident Mom
Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Moms
Theodore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the Thief of Joy” and I truly believe it.
When we keep our eyes in our own lane, we do better.
You’re focused on yourself, your family and your life.
If you’re watching what others are doing, you’re not paying attention to your own journey.
Don’t focus on what you can do better than someone else, just focus on what you can do. Period.
Practice Self Care
It’s a well known fact that as moms, we usually put the needs of our families above our own.
But I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup”?
It is so true, especially when it comes to motherhood.
Taking care of yourself I feel boosts your self confidence.
For example, don’t you feel better when you’re all showered and put together for the day versus just hopping out of bed?
Again, it’s not about being perfect, but taking care of yourself.
One of my favorite ways to practice self care is by reading.
I read my bible, devotionals and other inspiring or educational books.
One book I’ve found helpful on the subject and that I highly recommend is The Confident Mom by Joyce Meyer.
You can find it here.
Here are a few more self care ideas!
Celebrate Your Victories
Have you cooked a really good meal lately?
Encouraged your child to overcome an obstacle?
Folded five loads of laundry?
Whether big or small, celebrating your successes makes you feel really good!
Not only that, but it inspires you to do more to repeat that feeling of accomplishment.
That feeling of achievement will help you be more confident.
Love Yourself
If you feel bad about yourself and have self esteem issues, you’ll likely have a hard time with motherhood.
Mothers with low self esteem struggle with confidence.
And while I don’t have any magic words here to help you overcome this, I want to tell you that you are not alone.
I can relate.
Whatever got us to the point of lacking confidence isn’t important.
What is important is focusing on how to regain lost self-confidence.
While that’s not an easy topic to cover, I do believe it starts with loving yourself.
This post covers how to love yourself in more detail.
Stand Behind Your Choices
You made a choice to become a mother.
That is something you should feel good about.
What you do matters!
Being self-assured isn’t about having it all together.
Confidence isn’t just a feeling, it’s a decision.
Still Struggling With Confidence?
At the end of the day, when I don’t feel confident, I remind myself of where my confidence and help comes from: The Lord!
He can help me with anything, even when I don’t have confidence in myself.
My confidence is in Him!
There are many, many times I ask Him to help me, in motherhood and life in general.
He helps me when I’m not confident in my:
- decision making
- mothering skills
- ability to speak up for what’s right
- handling of uncomfortable situations
even in my writing!
I know that I am good enough.
But even when I don’t feel it, I know that God is good enough!
And that, my friends, is ultimately what helps me be more confident!
These are my best tips on how to be a more confident mom.
Have anything to add? Leave me a comment below, I read every single one.
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I love these suggestions! Most of all, I love the reminder that we are His and He is always enough. Way to encourage other mamas! Thank you for this 🙂
Robyn your comment just made my day! Thank YOU for showing up and encouraging this mama, I appreciate you so much! 🙂