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As a mom, you love beyond measure.
Your kids are your world.
And if you’re like me, you tend to put yourself on the back burner.
You probably haven’t given much thought to loving yourself, or what that even means.
So I thought it would be good to discuss the importance of loving yourself as a mom.
Some people say learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
And while I don’t necessarily agree with that, I do think it’s super important.
I think we should:
Love God.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
So if we don’t love ourselves, how can we truly love people?
People also say you should put yourself first.
And although I think it’s okay to do so on occasion (like when you need a little Me Time), to expect any mom to do so on a regular basis is just…well…unrealistic.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t love yourself.
You Don’t Have to Love Yourself First
We sacrifice for our kids.
They’re first, period.
Number one.
Numero Uno.
And I’m not here to debate that at all, because as a mom, I feel the same way.
You don’t have to love yourself first to love yourself.
But you do have to love yourself!
Why is Self Love Important
You might wonder why is self love so important?
When you feel good about yourself, you also feel better about those around you.
Have you ever been in a really bad mood about something personal?
Maybe you’re having a bad hair day, or you can’t find anything that fits in your closet.
Then the kids start asking you something, and you’re frustrated and short with them.
All because you’re being critical and not satisfied with yourself.
The importance of self love is huge.
You can’t give your best to anyone else if you’re not happy with yourself.
Seeing the best in others and in circumstances hinges on how we feel about ourselves.
Reasons to Love Yourself
When you love yourself, some amazing things happen.
Feel more positive about life.
Become more confident.
Give more to others.
Are happier.
Express more gratitude.
Loving yourself makes you a better mom.
How Do You Learn to Love Yourself?
It’s taken me awhile to learn to love myself.
And if I’m honest, some days I still suck at it.
When you suffer from low self esteem and lack of self confidence, it doesn’t happen overnight.
But over time, it is possible.
These tips have helped me learn to love myself:
Pray every day.
I ask the universe to help me as this isn’t something that comes naturally to me, nor is it something I can do on my own.
When I think about all that had to happen for me to be created, it makes me feel bad to not love myself.
Life is a miracle, who am I to not love myself?
It’s comforting to like that the universe has a plan for my life.
Am I saying that the miracle of life isn’t good enough?
I’d never want to say that!
So I remind myself that I am a miracle and that the universe loves me and that need to love myself to experience all that the universe has for me.
Read positive quotes.
I have index cards that I write inspirational quotes and verses on that I look at daily.
Reading positive quotes helps me to feel good about myself and my life.
I believe in the power of positive thinking, I believe the science behind affirmations and I believe that we have the power to change our lives with our thinking.
I also read Thought Conditioners (a small book) daily that helps me stay positive.
Forget the past.
Maybe you’ve had negative experiences in the past.
I know I have.
Someone told you that you weren’t good enough.
That you’d never amount to anything.
That your dreams were crazy.
If this happened to you too, I’m so sorry.
The thing is, you have to forget about all that.
No, it’s not easy to do.
But it is possible.
Forgetting the past and all the bad things people have said and done to you is crucial in learning to love yourself.
Because as long as we keep playing those negative tapes in our head (or CD’s, LOL) you can’t overcome the past.
And that will keep you not only stuck, but miserable.
Leave the past where it belongs…in the past.
See yourself the way your kids see you.
Look at how much your kids love you.
You are their mom.
Their everything.
You hung the moon and the stars!
You’re the person they go to when they need comfort, support, and…well…anything!
If you could have even one tenth of the love they have for you, it would be enough.
Accept yourself.
We all have flaws and imperfections.
That’s just the way it is.
No one is perfect.
As I like to say, perfection is overrated.
And that’s okay.
Because love doesn’t require perfection.
It’s not about how good you are.
How much you’ve accomplished.
If you’re smart enough.
Or skinny enough.
If you’re funny.
Or boring.
If you’re outgoing.
Or introverted.
You don’t have to measure up to anyone or anything else to be loved.
Whether it’s by someone else or by you.
You are worthy of love.
The universe has a plan and a purpose for your life.
Step into it.
Grow your confidence.
And learn to love yourself.
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