Welcome to Good Enough Mama, so glad you’re here!
I’m Casey a career stay at home mom (doesn’t it sound professional?) who loves my family, my faith and my bubly.
I created this blog to cheer you on, mama. Being a mom is hard work. It can get lonely, overwhelming and sometimes we wonder if we’re doing it right.
I’m here to tell you that motherhood matters!
You have it within you to do great things! We feel the pressure to be ‘Good Enough’ in all areas.
Guess what? Perfection is overrated and comparison is a beast that will leave you feeling depressed and discouraged every time.
At GEM, we choose progress over perfection and Celebrate Motherhood!
I hope this will be a place of encouragement where you will find support and inspiration. Where you can go from barely surviving to thriving- in not only motherhood but in all areas of your life.
Let’s enjoy the journey we’re on, you’re Good Enough Mama!
I’d love for you to sign up for my email list where you’ll get tips to help you navigate your way through this mom life. Also personal messages and special offers I only share with my subscribers. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get to know each other! 🙂