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You might already know the importance of being a stay at home mom. Then again, maybe you don’t.
Maybe you’re pondering the reasons to be a stay at home mom, if you’re not one already.
And if you are, you could be wondering if what you’re doing is of any significance in the world.
Why the World Needs Stay at Home Moms Now More Than Ever
I’m here to tell you that yes, being a stay at home mom is indeed a noble purpose. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.
When you’ve picked up food off the floor for the umpteenth time, changed more diapers than you can count, and wiped snotty noses a gazillion times.
As a great majority of your time is spent either feeding, bathing, or otherwise taking care of your children, you may be wondering if stay at home motherhood is really all it’s cracked up to be.
Ask yourself this question: Why did I decide to become a stay at home mom in the first place?
For me, from the time my first child was born, I couldn’t imagine leaving him with anyone else. My husband and I had decided before we had kids that I would stay home with them, no matter what. And as each of my three girls arrived, I felt the exact same way. I have never strayed from wanting to stay home with my kids. {This was the best choice for our family. You have to decide what’s right for your family, but it’s my goal to show you the importance of staying home with your kids. Only you can decide if it’s feasible and if you can make it happen.}
Just like the world needs nurses, police officers, teachers and grocery store workers, the world needs stay at home moms.
Reasons to be a Stay at Home Mom
You get to be there for all your child’s firsts. The thought of someone else watching my child take their first steps and me not being there is enough to drive me to tears. From sitting up to first words, you get to be there for it all.
You’re in control of their discipline. This might not be something that you’re thinking about if you have babies. But once they’re toddlers, you certainly will. As a SAHM, you’ll be there to teach your child right and wrong, and to enforce what you’ve taught them when they misbehave.
You’ll Spend quality time with the kids. Yes, life is busy. But you can carve out time every day to do something with your children.
Related: How to Spend Quality Time With Your Child
Feed the troops. You plan and make the meals, which means you get to monitor what they eat and how much of it. Using a meal planning notepad really helps me stay organized in this area!
Teach Your Kids. Everything from their ABC’s and counting to life skills like how to cook and balance a checkbook. More time with your kids means more opportunity for them to learn.
Save Money. No need for daycare, lunches out, work clothing or tanks full of gas for a commute to work. Being a stay at home mom might mean a smaller budget, but your expenses will be smaller as well.
Related: How to Save Money as a Stay at Home Mom
Be a Safe Place for Other Children. With so many working mothers these days, some kids need a safe place to go where they’re not alone. Whether it’s to do homework or just hang out, your family can be there for other families that might need a little help now and then.
Stay at Home Mom Value
One thing many stay at home moms struggle with is feeling like what they do is significant and meaningful. Let’s face it, we’re not getting pats on the back from our bosses, and no paycheck. Our work might seem like it’s not important, and it’s usually underappreciated.
But nothing could be farther from the truth. The value of a stay at home mom is beyond compare. Just look at this post from People regarding what Stay at home mom’s should be earning!
You not only get paid in hugs and kisses, but you are raising little people that can change the world.
So if you think what you do doesn’t have value, think again! You’re bringing up future leaders and contributing members of society. Your kids could grow up to be anything at all, and most importantly, good people. Even if you don’t wind up doing anything else other than being a mom, it is enough!
Being a stay at home mom is important, and not only do your kids need you, but the world needs you, now more than ever! You are making a difference mama, don’t ever forget that!
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